В статье рассматриваются основные тенденции оценки советской культуры и литературы критикой русского зарубежья 19201930х гг. В основу предложенного историкокультурного подхода положен принцип диалогичности, который базировался на основных доминантах национальной модели культуры: литературоцентризме, дуальных моделях ментальности, представлении о единстве и целостности русской культуры, опоре на традицию русской интеллектуальной истории XIX в. The paper examines the main trends in the evaluation of Soviet culture and literature by the Russian migr critics of 19201930s. The author applies a historical and cultural approach based on the principle of dialogism, which in its turn rests on the main Russian culture dominants: literature centrism, dual model of mentality, unity and integrity of Russian culture, and Russian intellectual tradition of the 19th century. The migrs re ection on Soviet literature is analyzed in terms of identity search and deep genetic essence of Russian culture and its system of values. The dialogue was mainly evolving in the sphere of literary criticism and journalism. We traced the connection between migr and Russian democratic criticism of the 19th century (Herzen, SaltykovShchedrin, etc.), which is particularly re ected in the dispute in the journals of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The excerpts from various critical articles and reviews of this period demonstrate the common approach of their authors to the analysis of literary phenomena. Having studied the articles from migr and Soviet newspapers and journals (A. Bem, G. Adamovich, R. Gul, F. Stepun, J. Sazonova, etc.) the author comes to a conclusion that the Russian literature and the Russian criticism on both sides of the border though opposing and polemical, in fact show historical integrity and mutual attraction. One of the factors determining these reciprocally exclusive trends in the criticism of Soviet literature is the development of relativism, which overall characterizes Western European mindset. The analysis of the publications in the journals Sovremennye Zapisky (The Modern Notes), Russkie Zapisky (The Russian Notes), and Tchisla (The Numbers) demonstrates that traditional emigration model ones own alien was gradually transforming into ones own another. There is a tendency to understand, and sometimes justify the Soviet art. Special attention is paid to the articles with serious analysis of Soviet literature, its topics, poetics, and genres. The traditional standpoint of the migrs has evolved from ideological labeling to serious and thoughtful analysis, thus developing scienti c criteria in further deep analysis of Russian and Soviet literature by G. Nivat, M. Aucouturier, J.С. Lanne, N. Struve, V. Losskaya, C. Clarke, J. Soumela, S. Gartsiano, etc.
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