The Relationship Between Advocacy of the one Responsible for Integrated Anc Program and Pregnant Women’s Perception on Integrated Anc Program Urip Tugiyarti, Santoso, Muhammad Akhyar, Sapja Anantanyu Abstract Background: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is very high in the world; 800 women reportedly die everyday due to pregnancy and delivery complication. MMR in Indonesia, according to SDKI 2015, is 359/100.000 live birth. Varying factors cause maternal mortality in Indonesia, both directly and indirectly. For that reason, the attempt of accelerating MMR reduction and SDGs achievement should be taken comprehensively by means of involving cross-program in Health Office, cross-sector, local government, Local Legislative Assembly, professional organization, religion/societal organization, private, NGO, and donor institution. It is relevant to be a reference, because maternal health condition, particularly pregnant women, in Indonesia is still far below expectation. Maternal health attempt is not only limited to curative management but should be compensated with preventive measures. The preventive attempt aims to prevent maternal mortality from occurring and to meet the rights of every pregnant woman to get high-quality healthcare service. The one responsible for the program should give understanding to pregnant women about it by means of giving advocacy and information based on Government Regulation No.97 of 2014 about integrated ANC stating that pregnant women should undertake integrated antenatal care (ANC), constituting every pregnant woman’s obligation. The objective of research was to find out the relationship between the advocacy of the one responsible for integrated ANC program and pregnant women’s perception on integrated ANC program. Subject and Method: This research employed a quantitative research method with cross-section approach conducted in Bantul Regency. About 175 respondents were selected using cluster proportional random sampling. The criteria of respondents were: pregnant women at more than 12 week gestation: trimesters II and III. Instrument of collecting data used was questionnaire. Data was analyzed using path analysis and to validate the structural model, SEM contained in lisrel program was used. Result: The result of analysis showed that there is a relationship between the advocacy of the one responsible for integrated ANC program and pregnant women’s perception on integrated ANC program. Conclusion: There is a positive significant relationship between the advocacy of the one responsible for integrated ANC program and pregnant women’s perception on integrated ANC program (0.27, t-statistic 3.35 > 1.96). Full Text: PDF DOI: 10.15640/ijhs.v7n4a4
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