The simultaneous oral administration of normal human gastric juice and small quantities of vitamin B12 results in hematopoiesis in patients with pernicious anemia in relapse, while oral vitamin B12 alone in similar amounts is usually ineffective. 1 Berk L. Castle W.B. Welch A.D. Heinle R.W. Anker R. Epstein M. Observations on the etiologic relationship of achylia gastrica to pernicious anemia. X. activity of vitamin B12 as food (extrinsic) factor. N Engl J Med. 1948; 239: 911 Google Scholar , 2 Schilling R.F. Harris J.W. Castle W.B. Observations on the etiologic relationship of achylia gastrica to pernicious anemia. XIII. Hematopoietic activity of (vitamin B12). Blood. 1951; 6: 228 Google Scholar , 3 Ungley C.C. Absorption of vitamin B12 in pernicious anemia. BMJ. 1950; 2: 905 Google Scholar , 4 Hall B.E. Morgan E.H. Campbell D.C. Oral administration of vitamin B12 in pernicious anemia. I. Presence of intrinsic factor in Berkefeld-filtered pooled human gastric juice: Preliminary report, Proc Staff Meet. Mayo Clin. 1949; 24: 99 Google Scholar , 8 Hall Byron E. Studies on the nature of the intrinsic factor of castle. BMJ. 1950; 2: 585 Google Scholar The hematopoietic activity of intravenously administered vitamin B12 was not enhanced by the simultaneous intravenous administration of sterile Berkefeld filtered gastric juice in amounts known to be active as intrinsic factor when given orally. 5 Wallerstein R.O. Harris J.W. Schilling R.F. Castle W.B. Observations on the etiologic relationship of achylia gastrica to pernicious anemia. XV. Hematopoietic effects of simultaneous intravenous and of simultaneous or serial oral administration of intrinsic factor in vitamin B12. J Lab Clin Med. 1953; 41: 363 Google Scholar Vitamin B12 by parenteral injection regularly corrects the hematologic abnormalities and arrests the neurologic disorder in pernicious anemia. Heinle and associates 6 Heinle R.W. Welch A.D. Scharf V. Meacham G.C. Prusoff W.H. Studies of excretion (and absorption) of Co60-labeled vitamin B12 in pernicious anemia. Trans Assoc Am Phys. 1952; 65: 214 Google Scholar have reported that the fecal exeretion of radioactivity in four pernicious anemia patients receiving 0.5 μg of radioactive vitamin B12 (B12Co60) by mouth was definitely greater than in normal subjects. They reported that the simultaneous oral administration of an intrinsic factor preparation and B12Co60 in three pernicious anemia patients was followed by a definite reduction of fecal radioactivity. The simplest interpretation of the above information is that the function of intrinsic factor is to promote the absorption of vitamin B12 from the intestinal tract.
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