The article analyzes the intertextual connections of the pretext and parody on the material of D. Samoilov's poem “Free verse” and A. Ivanov’s parody “Professor, poet and Anna”. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the transformation mechanism of the paradigmatic structure of the text vocabulary in parody by comparing the lexical paradigms that function in each text, and identify differences in their composition and functions. The composition of paradigms, the nature of their formation, configuration are analyzed. A comparison is made of paradigmatic schemes in both texts, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about the differences in the composition and functions of paradigms in the pretext and parody, as well as on the nature of the transformations that undergo parademics in the pretext in parody. The article establishes the nature of the intertextual connection between the parody and the pretext, as well as the identification of the text transformation schemes during the creation of the parody. An analysis of the links between the precedent text and the parody reveals the mechanisms by which the text is transformed at the paradigmatic level. As a result of the analysis, a simplification of the paradigm configuration in the parody was discovered, thereby reducing the text depth. The following conclusions were made: in paradia, the paradigm formation scheme is simplified; decreases the number of levels of paradigm hierarchy; the role of intertextual links in the understanding of the text is reduced; in parodies, in addition to in-text, intertextual paradigms are also formed, linking parody with pretext and generating additional meanings. The author puts forward the hypothesis according to which the specificity of the intertextual connection between parody and pretext described in the article is characteristic in general of the genre of parody. Keywords: pretext, parody, paradigm, paradigmatic analysis, intertextuality.
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