Abstract Integrated sensing platforms, which possess active layers of local electric-field oscillation in the terahertz (THz) frequency, can sensitively detect analytes via electromagnetic (EM) wave guidance, resonance, and spatial confinement in the system of THz time-domain spectroscopy. A Bragg grating structure of periodically perforated metal slits (PPMSs) is presented here as an active layer to generate the local electric-field oscillation of metal-cavity EM wave resonance that is coupled from 0.1–1 THz metal surface waves along the wavelength-scaled segments of metal slabs. The cavity modal confinement property, which is characterized from device transmittance or loss spectra, leads to the distribution of the metal-cavity wave resonance over a 35-pitch length and a 0.1–0.2 mm metal thickness of PPMSs. These distribution dimensions of metal-cavity wave resonance represent the longitudinal and transverse confinement performances, respectively. The PPMS-THz waves specified by 2D spatial confinement can realize the functional integration of a dielectric superstrate component and a sample adsorbing layer to adjust the dispersion responsivity and concentration of analytes, respectively. A refractive-index sensing application of glucose is presented by this integrated scheme for refractive-index sensing in a molecular density range of 0–24 μg/mm2, a resolution density of 1.6 μg/mm2, and a trace density of 2.61 μg/mm2. The PPMS-based THz integrated sensing platform facilitates the developments of specific test papers and relevant molecular surface modification to target molecules.
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