In a previous publication a term and a hyperfine structure analysis of the spark spectrum of thallium, Tl II, were presented. The hyperfine structure analysis, although limited by the low resolution of the spectrographs employed, confirmed the intensity rules and the vector relation for the compounding of I and J; showed for the electronic configurations involving a 6 s electron that the energy of interaction between I and J was large; and established I = ½ for thallium. In view of the recent development of the theory of hyperfine structure, more accurate detail is desirable for the verification and the extension of this theory. The consistent interpretation of the preliminary hyperfine structure analysis, the completeness of the term analysis, the magnitude of the hyperfine separations, and the simplicity of the patterns, features of Tl II, suggested that for this spectrum a detailed hyperfine structure analysis, sufficiently accurate to confirm or show the limitations of the theory, would be feasible. Accordingly, the hyperfine structure of Tl II was investigated. The details and results of this investigation are presented below. The spectrum of thallium was excited by two methods: In the first, a condensed discharge was produced in thallium vapour, contained in a quartz discharge tube, by connecting the two terminals, sealed into the tube, in parallel with a condenser, and in series with an adjustable spark gap and the secondary of a transformer; in the second method, an electrodeless discharge was produced in the vapour by passing a high frequency current, generated in an oscillating circuit by a transformer with its secondary in series with a capacity and in parallel with a spark gap, through a heavy copper wire coiled around the tube containing the vapour. Both methods gave satisfactory excitation, but as the electrodeless method was more easily controlled it only was used in the latter part of the investigation. The radiation, excited by these methods was photographed in the spectral region λλ 7100-2300 A. U. in several orders, from the first to the fourth depending on wave-length, of a 3 metre concave grating of 60,000 lines, ruled with 15,000 lines to the inch. From the spectrograms obtained, the separations and the relative intensities of the hyperfine structure components were determined for the lines of appreciable intensity in the analysis of Tl II, as presented by McLennan, McLay and Crawford and extended by Smith; and for a few additional lines classified in this investigation, the classification of which involved a slight modification and extension of the former term analysis.
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