Several countries now have national ice core laboratories, or substantial ice core facilities, where these proxy archives of the Earth's past climate and atmosphere are safeguarded, processed, and analyzed. Australia, China, Denmark, Japan, Argentina, and the United States have formal, dedicated ice core repositories with laboratories. India's is under construction, in Goa. France, Germany, Russia, and the U.K. have long had substantial ice core holdings and facilities for analysis of ice cores. Brazil, Chile, Italy, and Switzerland have expanding field acquisition and analytical programs that require favorable storage conditions for ice cores.Representatives of 12 countries gathered in Milan, Italy, in late August for a first meeting, InterICE, of “international ice core establishments,” to compare and discuss ideas about best practices for acquisition, storage, curation, and distribution of the ice cores that have been drilled from the polar and temperate glaciers of the world, representing up to a half‐million years of the Earth's most recent past.
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