The ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (FOA) is a rare benign tumor representing 1-3% of odontogenic tumors. The FOA affects young patients before the age of 20. Surgical treatment allows usually for recovery. Recurrence and malignant transformation are possible. A 3-year-old patient, with no medical and surgical history, was referred for a painless swelling of the right cheek progressing for several months. Radiographic examination showed a large mixed lesion. Buccal and lingual cortices were blown out. Surgical resection was performed under general anesthesia. Microscopically, the lesion consisted of dental tissue composed of mature dentin and enamel and of an epithelial component. These elements allowed for the diagnosis of ameloblastic fibro-odontoma. The postoperative course was uneventful. The management of this 3-year-old patient was delayed due to late consultation. The size of the lesion, that included all dental structures of sector 4, was big considering the very young age of the patient. The primary conservative surgical treatment allowed for preservation of teeth and of the inferior alveolar nerve, the only sequelae being the removal of the germ of the tooth no44 directly involved in the tumor.
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