One of the most important and decisive phenomena of our time is globalization as a complex and ambiguous process that does not diminish but increases and deepens the economic differentiation of countries and peoples, forms contradictions in political, social and cultural development, and therefore finding a common denominator is becoming increasingly difficult. The essence of globalization as a social process lies in the growing interconnection and interdependence of national economies, national political and social systems, national cultures, and human interaction with the environment.
 At the beginning of the 21st century, globalization as a new reality was at the center of attention of academics and politicians. As the experts point out, the modern world is characterized by deepening economic and political interdependence and mutual influence, the expansion of international integration, the creation of regional integration associations, the inclusion of the interaction of new markets and actors, and the use of new rules and instruments in this process on a global scale.
 Globalization is prepared by the whole course of historical development and naturally continues the process of internationalization. Internationalization and globalization are closely interconnected, interact and rival, generating hybrid forms. However, globalization is qualitatively different from the process of internationalization. The distinctive feature of globalization is that the scale and depth of awareness of the world as a single space grows, while internal events in one or another country have the same effect on other peoples and states as foreign policy shares. The basis of the characteristic features of globalization in the economic sphere is the expansion of trade and its liberalization, the internationalization of the turnover of capital and the removal of obstacles to its movement, profound changes in the financial sphere, which more than other forms of cooperation are experiencing the consequences of the e-revolution, the deployment of transnational corporations (TNCs) and their growing expansion, dominant orientation of demand for the world market, the formation of international financial institutions.
 The processes of shaping the European security policy and the functioning of a common European foreign policy contribute to the transformation of the perception of the concept of neutrality by neutral states, as well as other EU member states that are simultaneously NATO members. Recognizing its geopolitical priorities and developing a foreign policy strategy, Ukraine needs to take into account the transformation of the concept of neutrality.
 Key words: Ukraine, geopolitical challenges, globalization, integration, national interests
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