The increasing recent interest in characteristics ofsubmicron oxide smoke generated by combustion ofaluminum droplets stems from environmental problemsassociated with application and utilization of alumi-nized propellant rocket motors and from the develop-ment of technologies of production of metal nanoox-ides in aerodisperse flames [1, 2]. Oxide particles rang-ing from nanometer to submicrometer size form andgrow in the flame zone surrounding a burning particle,this process being the starting point for their furtherevolution. Rational design of particle combustion pro-cesses in technical devices is based on an understand-ing of physicochemical processes that occur duringcombustion of a particle and on knowledge of how theircharacteristics depend on combustion conditions. Oneof the challenges in studying the aluminum particlecombustion mechanism is to study the formation andproperties of oxide nanoparticles. In this work, we stud-ied how the size distribution and morphology of theoxide aerosol formed by combustion of aluminum par-ticles in atmospheric air depends on the size of a burn-ing droplet. We intend to extend the pressure range inthe future.Burning droplets were produced by combustion of asmall sample (from 2 × 2 × 20 to 2 × 4 × 40 mm in size)of aluminized solid propellant, which was burnt in a20-L container in air filtered from aerosols. Duringcombustion, the sample expelled burning aluminumdroplets (agglomerates), which fell freely under grav-ity. The combustion lasted a few seconds. During thistime, the container was filled with “oxide smoke,” a fineaerosol. After completion of combustion, aerosol parti-cles coagulated, sedimented, and were partially depos-ited on the walls of the container. To study the evolutionof particles after burning, the resulting aerosol wasperiodically sampled. The aerosol sample was fedeither into a thermophoretic precipitator, to collect par-ticles for subsequent dispersion and morphologicalanalysis based on their electron microscopic images, orinto a Millikan cell, to observe aerosol particles andrecord their motion by a video camera with a micro-scope lens and a laser illuminator. The cell constructionimplies that a homogeneous electric field can beapplied. This, in combination with video recording ofparticle motion, makes it possible to determine the elec-tric charge of the particles. The sampling, video record-ing, and image processing techniques were describedelsewhere [1, 3].We carried out four series of experiments with pro-pellants differing in the size of generated burning drop-lets.In series 1, a model solid propellant containing25 wt % ammonium perchlorate (AP), 35 wt %cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine (HMX), 20 wt %binder, and 20 wt % aluminum was used. Inasmuch asaluminum droplets are agglomerated as the propellantburns, the distribution function of burning droplets gen-erated by the propellant was estimated in the followingmanner. The size distribution of agglomerates, as wellas the fraction of the metal involved in agglomeration(≈0.6), was determined using the technique in [4]. If weassume that the metal not involved in agglomerationpasses into the gas phase in the same form as it has inthe propellant, the set of particles generated by combus-tion consists of agglomerates and particles of initialaluminum. The distribution function of initial alumi-num was preliminarily determined on a Malvern 3600Eparticle size analyzer. Table 1 summarizes the charac-teristics of the set of polydisperse particles calculatedtaking into account the weight fractions. Hereinafter,D
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