1. Introduction Greece and Romania have a common historic, cultural and economic destiny. This is why both countries have to face to a complicated challenge nowadays. The global crisis forced both countries to adopt severe austerity measures in order to obtain the economic survive. Greece and Romania asked for the international financial institutes' support and started to implement painful economic reforms which attract the hostility of the civil society. On short and medium term will be not much financial possibilities to support a big recovery of the jobs, industries and welfare. This is why an alternative possibility would be the efficient use of the technical progress. We talk about human capital and technical support of it, because both countries have enough average and high skill labour, which is able to support the economic recovery. The technical progress in economy represents a dynamic complex process which introduces the latest techniques and scientific research's results on capital and labour, in order to increase productivity, output and economic efficiency. An important element of the economic development is the optimal dimension and the efficient use of the demo-economic resources. As a result of the obsolete and relative labour decrease in economy related to the demographic trend, the training and the human capital become essential to a modern economy. In order to analyse the economic development in Romania and Greece under the technical progress impact, a production function will be used. This production function is based on two control parameters and one behaviour parameter. Cobb and Douglas used the production functions for the first time in 1928. During the 50s-70s, there were a lot of theoretical debates on this kind of function. The greatest problems were focused on aggregate production functions, even that the microeconomic production functions were put under scrutiny, as well. The debate in this field started criticizing the way the factor input, capital, was measured and how the notion of factor proportions had distracted economists. (2) Other specialists succeeded to make the production function more realistic by adding in natural resources. (3) Other specialist criticised Solow and Stieglitz's approach which was considered a trick against the laws of thermodynamics. (4) Neither Solow nor Stiglitz addressed his criticism, despite an invitation to do so in the September 1997 issue of the journal Ecological Economics? (5) An interesting retrospective of the production function approach evolution was made in 2003. (6) The same historical approach was made by in 2007, as well. (7) In the same period, the analysis concerned production functions and was robust with respect to increases in the number of independent variables and to alternative functional forms. (8) On the other hand, the meta-production function was presented as best-practice production function. (9) The paper takes a supplementary step under production function approach, in order to use this type of function to quantify the technical progress on economic development and to realise a pertinent comparative analysis between Greece and Romania. 2. Methods This proposal is a model based on a production function. In order to apply this theoretical approach to the macroeconomic evolution, a Cobb-Douglas function is used as follows: Y = A[L.sup.a][K.sup.b], in which: A: technical parameter, A L: labour; K: fixed capital; a: parameter proportional to relative labour productivity; b: parameter proportional to fixed capital efficiency. Both labour productivity and fixed capital efficiency are under the impact of the technical progress. This technical progress in the economy is quantified by the growth of the labour knowledge ([alpha]) and the growth of fixed capital use degree ([beta]). …
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