Silicon (Si) is the materials basis for the majority of integrated electronic devices. However, a key limitation of its application for active and passive optical devices stems from its indirect band gap and highly isotropic cubic lattice structure. In this paper we demonstrate a new way of realisation of silicon-based optical retarders which can be integrated in optical communication lines. Lorentz has demonstrated that for cubic lattices only a weak dependence of the refractive index value (n) on the light wave vector direction exists [1]. For instance, in bulk Si the maximum value of birefringence for light propagating along the [110] direction was found to be extremely small: An = n [110] - n [100] = 5 x 10 -6 , where subscripts denote the direction of the electric field vector [2]. Obviously this value does not allow to perform silicon-based devices controlling of the polarisation state of light. Porosified (100) Si surfaces have isotropic in-plane optical properties due to the equivalence of their [010] and [001] crystallographic directions [3]. Preferential alignment of nanocrystals in [100] etching direction results in a larger dielectric constant for the light polarised along [100] direction [4,5]. Thus, birefringence can be observed for light propagating along the layer. However, for most of practical applications an in-plane birefringence is required. To achieve in-plane uniaxial symmetry we have employed the electrochemical etching of lower-symmetry (110) Si wafers. In Ref. [6], the selective crystallographic pore propagation and, respectively, alignment of nanocrystals in equivalent [010] and [100] directions tilted to the (110) surface plane has been demonstrated. According to effective medium predictions, the projection of those on the (110) plane ([110] direction) would result in an uniaxial surface symmetry with a dielectric constant e [110] being different from e [001] . Bulk Si is not an anisotropic crystal, but its porous modification becomes intrinsically uniaxial for this plane due to anisotropic dielectric nanostructuring. Since nanocrystals retain the diamond-like crystalline structure and their sizes (1 to 50 nm, depending on wafer and etching parameters used [7]) are much smaller than the wavelength of light, porous layers still can be considered as a continuous optical medium.
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