JASCO Applied Sciences has developed a novel passive acoustic monitoring system, the OceanObserverTM, that has been fielded in undersea and surface AUVs as well as on buoys and sub-sea observatories. The hardware is based on the Zynq system-on-a-chip (SoC), which features a large field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and two ARM processing cores. The FPGA is used to implement real-time filtering for the analog-to-digital converters and a real-time detector for odontocete clicks. JASCO’s PAMlab JAVA software has been adapted to run in the ARM processors. This allows for the detector algorithms to be tested and proven using recorded data sets, and the deployment of algorithms in the real-time hardware using the same proven software baseline. The advantages of this approach for rapidly adapting generic hardware to diverse monitoring projects will be highlighted.
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