Abstract Recently, as communication is evolved by leaps and bounds through wired/wireless networks, variety of services are routinely made through communication networks. Accordingly, technology that is for protecting data and personal information is required essentially, and study of security technology is actively being make progress to solve these information protection problems. In this paper, to expand selection scope of the key of elliptic curve cryptography, arithmetic items of real number based elliptic curve algorithm among various cryptographic algorithms was studied. The result of an experiment, we could know that elliptic curve cryptography using the real number can choose more various keys than existing elliptic curve cryptography using integer and implement securer cryptographic system. Key Words : Elliptic Curve, Real Number, Information Security, Encryption, ECC 본 논문은 2011년도 서일대학 학술연구비에 의해 연구되었음. * 교신저자 : 우찬일(ciwoo@seoil.ac.kr)접수일 11년 12월 15일 수정일 12년 01월 19일 게재확정일 12년 02월 10일
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