Interesting nonlinear functions on the phase spaces ofclassical field theories can never be quantizedimmediately because the basic fields of the theory becomeoperator-valued distributions. Therefore, one is usuallyforced to find a smeared substitute for such a functionwhich corresponds to a regularization. The smearedfunctions define a new symplectic manifold of their ownwhich is easy to quantize. Finally, one must remove theregulator and establish that the final operator, if itexists, has the correct classical limit.In this paper we begin the investigation of these steps fordiffeomorphism-invariant quantum field theories ofconnections. We introduce a (generalized) projectivefamily of symplectic manifolds, coordinatized by thesmeared fields, which is labelled by a pair consisting ofa graph and another graph dual to it. We show that asubset of the corresponding projective limit can beidentified with the symplectic manifold that one startedfrom. Then we illustrate the programme outlined above byapplying it to the Gauss constraint.This paper also complements, as a side result, earlier work by Ashtekar,Corichi and Zapata who observed that certain operators arenon-commuting on certain states, although the Poissonbrackets between the corresponding classical functionsvanish. These authors showed that this is not acontradiction provided that one refrains from a phasespace quantization but rather applies a quantizationbased on the Lie algebra of vector fields on theconfiguration space of the theory. Here we show that onecan provide a phase space quantization, that is,one can find other functions on the classical phase spacewhich give rise to the same operators but whose Poissonalgebra precisely mirrors the quantum commutator algebra.The framework developed here is the classical cornerstone on which thesemiclassical analysis in a new series of papers called`gauge theory coherent states' is based.
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