i. We shall denote by G(s s + p) (s ~ 2, p e 2) the Grassmann manifold of s al planes passing through the origin in s + p-dimensional Euclidean space. LetF s c Es be an s regular surface. At each point of the surface F s we construct the tangent space and parallel translate it to the origin 0 e Es We call the set of s sional planes obtained considered as points of the Grassmann manifold G(s Z + p) the Grassmann image of the surface F s and we call the corresponding map F: F s ~ G(s s + p) the Grassmann map. We shall assume, in addition, that the surface F s has outer null-index zero at each point, i.e., there does not exist a nonzero tangent vector corresponding to the zero eigenvalue of the second quadratic form of the surface with respect to an arbitrary normal. This requirement guarantees the nondegeneracy of the Grassmann map, i.e., F(F s will be a smooth submanifold of dimension s in G(s s + p).
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