This continuing study evaluated turboprop aircraft performance response to various environmental conditions. These conditions included clear air, warm rain, ice only, mixed phase, and supercooled drops encountered during 19 separate e ights. Supercooled droplets consisting of cloud, drizzle, and rain sizes were the main focus of this study. Aircraft response was quantie ed by rates of change in aircraft rateof-climb capability, lift and drag coefe cients and, lift over drag ratio. The aircraft performance parameters were compared to environmental hydrometeor parameters, such as 80% volumetric diameter (80VD)*liquid water content (LWC), quantifying the environmental conditions. Results show that encounters with supercooled drizzle drops, or ZL, resulted in maximum rates of performance degradation. These high rates of degradation forced the pilot to take evasive action within 5 min of entering these hazardous conditions. The Wyoming King Air experienced substantial increases in drag and stall speed, substantial decreases in climb capability, and signie cant lift degradations while encountering ZL. Encounters with supercooled cloud and rain-sized drops resulted in minor to low rates of performance degradation, whereas encounters with supercooled drops in low ice particle concentrations resulted in only minor rates of degradation. In addition, aircraft response to high ice particle concentrations and low liquid water, following a ZL encounter, resulted in rapid performance recovery, possibly because of erosion of ice on the airframe. Aggregates of needles and hexagonal plates led to the highest rates of recovery, whereas cold, clear air resulted in the lowest rates of recovery. Furthermore, e ight analyses facilitated quantifying ZL horizontal extents and encounter frequencies. For example, ZL measured by a one-dimensional cloud probe during atmospheric research e ights exceeded 0.05 g /m 3 twice per 10 e ight hours over a horizontal length of 29 km. The results presented herein show a strong relationship between aircraft response and environmental parameters utilizing the largest drops in the hydrometeor distribution (80VD*LWC and ZL LWC). The results suggest that the most severe icing is actually caused by drizzle-sized drops as opposed to freezing rain. In addition, the results suggest that activating the de-icing boots (with typical chordwise coverage) after a ZL encounter may have little effect on aircraft performance recovery.
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