Using the essential point of Feynman's hadronic scaling hypothesis, we have made a calculation of atmospheric cosmic-ray spectra, i.e., spectra of muons, hadrons and electro magnetic component. The results are compared with emulsion chamber data on the three components. In doing so, various factors related to the primary cosmic-ray spectrum are carefully examined. It is shown that the scaling feature of particle production in the entire energy region (up to several times lO"eV) is compatible with the data only when one assumes i) very large inelastic cross-sections (~380mb for p-air collisions) and ii) the steepening of the (proton equivalent) primary cosmic-rays above several times IO"eV, of which the intensity is much less than some air shower data. Another feasible way of understanding the phenomena is discussed by hypothesizing a break of the scaling feature in the fragmentation region at high energies (;(:10 14 e V).
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