A field experiment was conducted during rabi and kharif season, 2009-10 at main Experiment Station (Forestry), Kumarganj, Faizabad, U.P. to evaluate the performance of Wheat and Paddy intercropped under Casuarina equisetifolia based Agri-silvicultural System. The system comprises three varieties of wheat (NW-1067, NW-1014, and HD-2643) and three varieties of Paddy (Sarjoo-52, Narendra Usar-2 and Narendra Usar-3). The experiment was laid in a factorial randomized block design with three replications. . Under this study plant height and straw yield were found better for Wheat variety HD-2643 (plant height 96.00 cm and straw yield 2.47 t ha-1) and Paddy variety Narendra Usar -2 (plant height 94.33 cm and straw yield 2.41 t ha-1), when the crop was grown 1 m away from tree base. However, maximum number of per ear/ panicle, test weight (1000-grain weight) and grain yield were recorded in case of Wheat variety NW-1067 (1.26 t ha-1) and Paddy variety Narendra Usar-2 (1.65 t ha-1), when the crop was grown in open area. Amongst different varieties, Wheat variety NW-1067 and Paddy variety Narendra Usar-2 were found better for cultivation under this study.
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