The direct and indirect radiation forcing of aerosol particles deeply affect the energy budget and the atmospheric chemical and physical processes. To retrieve the vertical aerosol mass fluxes and to investigate the vertical transport process of aerosol by a coherent Doppler lidar (CDL), a practical method for instrumental calibration and aerosol optical properties retrieval based on CDL and sun photometer synchronization observations has been developed. A conversion of aerosol optical properties to aerosol microphysical properties is achieved by applying a well-developed algorithm. Furthermore, combining the vertical velocity measured simultaneously with a CDL, we use the eddy covariance (EC) method to retrieve the vertical turbulent aerosol mass fluxes by a CDL and sun photometer with a spatial resolution of 15 m and a temporal resolution of 1 s throughout the planetary boundary layer (PBL). In this paper, we present a measurement case of 24-h continuous fluxes observations and analyze the diurnal variation of the vertical velocity, the aerosol backscatter coefficient at 1550 nm, the mean aerosol mass concentration, and the vertical aerosol mass fluxes on 13 April 2020. Finally, the main relative errors in aerosol mass flux retrieval, including sample error σF,S, aerosol optical properties retrieval error σF,R, and error introduced from aerosol microphysical properties retrieval algorithm σF,I, are evaluated. The sample error σF,S is the dominating error which increases with height except during 12:00–13:12 LST. The aerosol optical properties retrieval error σF,R is 21% and the error introduced from the aerosol microphysical properties retrieval algorithm σF,I is less than 50%.
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