This study examines how gamification can improve the satisfaction level of foreign learners studying the Indonesian language using the innovative multiplatform application named Belajar Indo. In consideration of the Indonesian government’s heightened focus on language proficiency for foreign workers and students, this study examines the challenges encountered in Bahasa Indonesia for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) programs. Integrating gamified elements into a Progressive Web App (PWA) presents an engaging alternative to traditional learning resources, which frequently fall short in terms of interactivity and accessibility. Data gathered from surveys, online observation, and user engagement metrics indicate that gamification greatly improves learner motivation, resulting in a success rate of 93.51% and a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 8.11. The findings demonstrate that gamification enhances language acquisition while simultaneously cultivating a greater enthusiasm for learning Indonesian, proving advantageous for both beginners and advanced learners. This study advances the domain of educational technology by presenting a model that integrates language acquisition with digital innovation, highlighting gamified learning as an effective instrument for foreign language education. Future recommendations involve fine-tuning user interface components to improve usability and maintain elevated engagement levels.
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