Changes in the glycosaminoglycan composition of human hyaline cartilages during maturation and aging (Kaplan & Meyer, 1959; Mathews & Glagov, 1966; Mason & Wusteman, 1970) suggest changes in the type of proteoglycan synthesized by chondrocytes at different times. Electrophoresis of adult human costal-cartilage proteoglycans on cellulose acetate membranes (Pedrini, 1969) separated two types of molecule; one, a predominently chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan; the other, a keratan sulphate proteoglycan. However, heterogeneity could have arisen from mechanical degradation of native proteoglycans during homogenization of the tissue (Sajdera & Hascall, 1969), or by the action of cartilage proteinases during extraction (Pearson & Mason, 1977). After precautions to prevent either physical or enzymic degradation, it has been shown that the major proteoglycan fraction of bovine nasal cartilage can be separated into two components by electrophoresis in large-pore composite agarose/polyacrylamidegels (Pearson & Mason, 1977). The same methods have been applied to study the heterogeneity of adult human costal-cartilage proteoglycans. Cartilage was obtained at necropsy within 5 h of death, frozen (-2O”C, 2 h), stripped of perichondrium and shredded with a Surform blade. Grossly calcified tissue was discarded. Tissue slices were extracted with O . ~ ~ M K C I followed by 4.0~-guanidine HCI at 1°C in the presence of proteinase inhibitors (see Pearson & Mason, 1977). The tissue residue was then powdered in liquid N2 before extraction again with 4.0~-guanidine HCI. This report deals with the proteoglycans solubilized by the first and second guanidine HCI extracts, which account for 12% and 6% respectively of the total tissue hexuronic acid. A,-proteoglycan fractions (d> 1.70) were isolated from the crude extracts by centrifugation in a caesiuni chloride density gradient under associative conditions, at 10°C, in the presence of proteinase inhibitors (Roughley & Mason, 1976; Pearson & Mason, 1977). Fractions from the first and second extracts are described as ‘AIGuHCI,~’ and ‘A1 GuHC1,Z’ respectively, in the nomenclature of Heinegard (1972). Each fraction contained about 70% of the total hexuronic acid of the extract. The methods for electrophoresis in agaroselpolyacrylamide gels and spectrophotometric scanning of gels have been described (McDevitt & Muir, 1971 ; Roughley & Mason, 1976). Proteoglycan bands stained with Toluidine Blue were cut from the gel, placed in 2.0~-CaCl,, agitated by vortex-mixing, centrifuged and the supernatants retained. The residue was resuspended in 2.0 M-C~CI,, sonicated (MSE sonicator; low power setting, amplitude 3, 2OoC, 30s) and the supernatant recovered after centrifugation. The pooled supernatants were dialysed against 2.0~-CaCl, (1 : 50, v/v; 20°C, 18 h), then against water (1 : 50, v/v; 4”C, 18 h, repeated two times), freeze-dried and analysed for hexosamine content (Mayes et al., 1973). The A,-proteoglycans from four cartilage samples (female, 47 years old; male, 59; male, 64; female, 76) all contained three electrophoretic components with mobilities (RBpB) 0.8,0.9 and 0.96 relative to broniophenol blue (BPB) (Fig. 1). Fractions from the two oldest subjects also contained a fourth component, RBps 1.04. Each electrophoretic component has a characteristic g1ucosamine:galactosamine ratio (Table 1). For a given component in fractions ‘AlGuHC1,l’ or ‘AlGuHC1,2’, from either cartilage, the ratio is very similar. The ratio indicates the relative proportions of keratan sulphate: chondroitin sulphate in a proteoglycan. Since the rate of migration of a multichain proteoglycan in large-pore gels is probably, predominantly, a function of its hydrodynamic size, the data show that the larger proteoglycan species (low RBpB) contain relatively more chondroitin sulphate to keratan sulphate than the smaller species (high RBpB). The glucosamine: galactosamine ratio of fraction ‘AlGuHC1,l’ differs from that of fraction ‘AIGuHC1,2’(Table 1). This difference appears to be due to a difference in the relative amounts of the electrophoretic components present in A,-proteoglycan frac-
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