Background: Adult granulosa cell tumour (AGCT) is a low-grade malignant sex cord-stromal tumour accounting for approximately 5% of malignant ovarian tumours, with a peak incidence occurring at 50–55 years. The majority of cases demonstrate distinctive clinical and morphologic features, and up to 97% of AGCT cases carry a recurrent, somatic missense mutation in codon 134 of the transcription factor, FOXL2 (C134W). Whilst FOXL2 mutation testing may not be required in cases with classic morphology and immunophenotype (inhibin, calretinin, CD99 positive), FOXL2 mutation testing aids diagnosis in problematic cases. The differential diagnosis may include other sex cord-stromal tumours, such as cellular fibroma, thecoma, and juvenile granulosa cell tumour, all of which have a very low rate of FOXL2 mutation. Whilst immunohistochemistry is useful in confirming sex cord-stromal tumour type, immunophenotype does not distinguish between tumours within this category. Aims: We explore the histologic spectrum of AGCT and other sex cord-stromal tumours; and correlate the findings with FOXL2 mutation testing. Methods: FOXL2 mutation testing was performed initially using targeted PCR and Sanger sequencing (Hudson Institute) or subsequently by next-generation sequencing using the Illumina Trusight Tumour 26 kit (Austin Health). Results: Cases discussed comprise three AGCTs confirmed with FOXL2 mutation: two with atypical pathological features (1 luteinised, 1 extensively necrotic), and one with atypical clinical behaviour; and two cases of sex cord-stromal tumour where absence of FOXL2 mutation supported diagnosis (cellular fibromas).
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