The problems of efficient use of natural resources capacity in conditions of administrative and territorial reform show themselves the most at local level. That is why it is important to eliminate contradictions that emerge between population and economic entities on one side and territorial natural sector on the other side at the level of consolidated territorial communities (CTCs). Natural resources are the component of complex territorial natural systems. A certain combination of various types of natural resources or modifications of one type of resources within the integral system forms the territorial combination of natural resources. Therefore, the analysis of the use of natural resources capacity of communities is of utmost importance for forming of the CTCs’ development policy. The paper aims to analyze the natural resources capacity of CTCs, detect and substantiate the process of forming, use and maintenance of natural resources capacity of CTCs and to form the directions and measures to increase it. Methodology of research. The set tasks are accomplished by means of calculations groups of sub-indices: budget efficiency of the use of natural resources capacity; density of natural resources; provision with resources; rent payments. Findings. The use of natural resources capacity to fill the CTC’s budget is analyzed; density of natural resources at the territory of a CTC is determined; provision of a CTC’s population with natural resources is calculated; main aspects of rent payment as the main revenue to local budget are examined; reserves of increasing of natural resources capacity of communities are detected. Practical value. The paper proves that participation of residents in control over the use and protection of natural resources on their territory and complex assessment of natural resources based on cadaster data as information-analytical ground for making managerial decisions by CTC’s authorities on nature management are of the utmost importance for the development of communities. Keywords: administrative-territorial reform, budget, authorities’ decentralization, consolidated territorial communities, natural resources capacity, rent. REFERENCES 1. Shkuratova, І. І. (2011). Upravlinnya pryrodnoresursnym potentsialom v ekonomichniy systemi rehionu [Management of natural resources capacity in economic system of a region]. Visnyk Akademiyi mytnoyi sluzhby Ukrayiny. Seriya Derzhavne upravlinnya – Bulletin of the Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine. Series Public management, 1, 92–97 [in Ukrainian]. 2. Dmitriyevskiy, Yu. D. (1968). 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