Aim of this work is to develop the theory of mutual synchronization of two oscillators with hard excitation associated with a delay. Taking into account the delay of a coupling signal is necessary, in particular, when analyzing synchronization at microwave frequencies, when the distance between the oscillators is large compared to the wavelength. Methods. Theoretical analysis is carried out under the assumption that the delay time is small compared to the characteristic time for the oscillations. The phase approximation is used when the frequency mismatch and the coupling parameter are considered small. Results. Taking into account the change in oscillation amplitudes up to first-order terms in the coupling parameter, a generalized Adler equation for the phase difference of the oscillators is obtained, which takes into account the combined type of the coupling (dissipative and conservative coupling) and non-isochronism. The conditions for saddle-node bifurcations are found and the stability of various fixed points of the system is analyzed. The boundaries of the domains of in-phase and anti-phase synchronization are plotted on the plane of the parameters “frequency mismatch – coupling parameter”. Conclusion. It is shown that, depending on the control parameters (non-isochronism parameter, excitation parameter, phase advance of the coupling signal), the system exhibits behavior typical of either dissipative or conservative coupling. The obtained formulas allow for trace the transition from one type of coupling to another when varying the control parameters.
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