Greenhouse internal microclimate has been proven to be non-homogeneous in many aspects. However, this variability is only sometimes considered by greenhouse models, which often calculate climatic variables without any spatial reference. Farmers, on the other hand, may wish to have these differences highlighted as they could lead to aimed actions only for a specific area of the greenhouse, while at the same time, they are not willing to invest in sensors to be installed everywhere. This paper presents a data-driven methodology to generate a virtual 2D map of a greenhouse, which allows farmers to control any critical parameter they desire with minimum investment, as monitoring is done via soft sensing with only a few actual sensors. The proposed flow starts with a set of temporary sensors placed in the points of interest; then, a model for each of them is developed via linear regression and, finally, a map of the entire area can be derived by interpolating values from these models. This allows the generation of accurate models at a reduced cost as temporary sensors can be reused at other locations. The methodology has been tested on adjacent greenhouses and in two farms, where temperature and other climatic variables have been monitored. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology can reach an adjusted R2 value of 98% for predicting values in different greenhouse locations.