A lthough most applications of duration we for bond portfolios, duration measures generally we derived for individual securities, not for portfo'ios. Portfolio durations usually are computed by av?raging the durations of the composite individual jecurities obtained by one of two ways: 1) from fornulas based on projected future cash flows and an assumed stochastic process, or 2) empirically as a ,rice elasticity from past data. The literature with one ?xception has considered only portfolios in which all ,ends of equal maturity trade at the same interest .ate, that is, all bonds trade on the same term strucure. This article expands the analysis to portfolios if bonds that trade at different interest rates even hough they have the same maturity, that is, trade )n different term structures, because of, say, differmces in credit quality. For such portfolios, two conlusions emerge: 1) portfolio duration is dependent an the future value of portfolio cash flows at the duation date, and 2) the weights used to obtain the tortfolio duration from the individual durations of .le composite securities are also dependent on the Jture values of the securities at the duration date. l e s e results suggest that portfolio durations ob2ined by applying present value weights to average idividual bond durations, the usual practice, are inorrect and introduce additional stochastic process :sk. For the sake of simplicity, the analysis in this aper is restricted to Macaulay durations and sto.iastic processes that are consistent with Macaulay durations. At the same time, the results can be generalized to include stochastic processes that are consistent with other measures of duration.'
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