Innovation in public services is needed to improve efficiency, transparency, and public satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the implementation of innovation in the Public Service Mall (MPP) of Sinjai Regency, Indonesia, based on five innovation typologies, namely products/services, service processes, service methods, policies, and systems. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The study resultsindicate that product innovation in MPP Sinjai includes service digitalization, such as mobile applications, technology-based queuing systems, and interactive kiosks, making it easier for the public to access public services while increasing convenience with additional facilities. In terms of process, workflow digitalization has succeeded in increasing efficiency and transparency. In terms of service methods, the one-stop service approach allows the integration of various public services in one location, while electronic applications expand the reach of services. Innovative policies support transparency and inclusivity, ensuring access for vulnerable groups. The success of system innovation is reflected in the integration of services between agencies through digital technology that accelerates workflow and increases public participation. However, interagency coordination and organizational cultural barriers still require further attention. Future research could explore the impact of these innovations on citizen satisfaction, strategies to address the digital divide, and comparative studies with MPPs in other regions to understand best practices and similar challenges
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