Helen Ashman has been interested in hypertext and user profiling for two decades now, initially in adaptive hypermedia systems, later including intrusion detection systems, and now in authorship attribution applications such as plagiarism detection and astroturfing detection. She was at the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation until 1997, during which time she was posted to the University of Southampton for one year. Later she moved to the University of Nottingham, returning in 2007 to Australia to join the University of South Australia where she is now. She was General Chair of ACM Hypertext 2003 in Nottingham, and joint programme chair in 2004 and 2016, as well as joint programme chair of Adaptive Hypermedia in 2006. She was joint Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on the Web 2005-2011. She served on the SIGWEB executive 2003-2005.