The goal of domain adaptation (DA) is to develop a robust decision model on the source domain effectively generalize to the target domain data. State-of-the-art domain adaptation methods typically focus on finding an optimal inter-domain invariant feature representation or helpful instances from the source domain. In this paper, we propose a kernel extreme learning machine with discriminative transfer features and instance selection (KELM-DTF-IS) for unsupervised domain adaptation tasks, which consists of two steps: discriminative transfer feature extraction and classification with instance selection. At the feature extraction stage, we extend cross domain mean approximation(CDMA) by incorporating a penalty term and develop discriminative cross domain mean approximation (d-CDMA) to optimize the category separability between instances. Subsequently, d-CDMA is integrated into kernel ELM-AutoEncoder(KELM-AE) for extracting inter-domain invariant features. During the classification process, our approach uses CDMA metrics to compute a weights to each source instances based on their impact in reducing distribution differences between domains. Instances with a greater effect receive higher weights and vice versa. These weights are then used to distinguish and select source domain instances before incorporating them into weight KELM for proposing an adaptive classifier. Finally, we apply our approach to conduct classification experiments on publicly available domain adaptation datasets, and the results demonstrate its superiority over KELM and numerous other domain adaptation approaches.
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