The claim in the title is proved. Keyword Quiver Grassmannian Quiver Grassmannians are varieties Gr e (V) parametrizing subrepresentations of dimension vector e of a representation V of a quiver Q [1]. The aim of this note is to prove the claim in the title, which implies that no special properties of quiver Grassmannians can be expected without restricting the choices of Q, V and e. More precisely we prove: Theorem 0.1 Every projective variety is isomorphic to a quiver Grassmannian Gr e (V), for an acyclic quiver Q with at most three vertices, a Schurian representation V, and a thin dimension vector e (i.e. ei ≤ 1 for all i ∈ Q0). The author would like to thank B. Keller for posing the question answered here, and G. Cerulli-Irelli, E. Feigin, O. Lorscheid and A. Zelevinsky for helpful discussions. So let X be an arbitrary projective variety, given by a set of homogeneous polynomial equations on the coordinates of Pn. Without loss of generality, we can assume these equations to be homogeneous of the same degree d. Using the duple embedding j : Pn → PM−1, we can define j(X) X by equations defining j(Pn) inside PM−1, together with linear equations φ1, . . . , φk on the coordinates of PM−1. Presented by: Michel Van den Bergh. M. Reineke (B) Division C Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Wuppertal, Gausstr. 20, 42097 Wuppertal, Germany e-mail:
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