AbstractThe Walker Lane (WL) in the western Great Basin (GB) is an active plate boundary system accommodating 10%–20% of the relative tectonic motion between the Pacific and North American plates. Its neotectonic framework is structurally complex, having hundreds of faults with various strikes, rakes, and crustal blocks with vertical axis rotation. Faults slip rates are key parameters needed to quantify seismic hazard in such tectonically active plate boundaries but modeling them in complex areas like the WL and GB is challenging. We present a new modeling strategy for estimating fault slip rates in complex zones of active crustal deformation using data from GPS networks. The technique does not rely on prior estimates of slip rates from geologic studies, and only uses data on the surface trace location, dip, and rake. The iterative framework generates large numbers of block models algorithmically from the fault database to obtain many estimates of slip rates for each fault. This reduces bias from subjective choices about how discontinuous faults connect and interact to accommodate strain. Each model iteration differs slightly in block boundary configuration, but all models honor geodetic and fault data, regularization, and are kinematically self‐consistent. The approach provides several advantages over bespoke models, including insensitivity to outlier data, realistic uncertainties, explicit mapping of off‐fault deformation, and slip rates that are more objective and independent of geologic slip rates. Comparisons to the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model indicate that ∼80% of our geodetic slip rates agree with their geologic slip rates to within uncertainties.
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