
SUMMARY Mt. Etna is a perfect laboratory for testing new approaches and new technologies in a very active geodynamic environment. It offers, in fact, the opportunity for measuring active crustal deformation, related to volcanic activity as well as to seismic faulting on its flanks. In this work, a network of low-cost/low-power Global Navigation Satellite System stations has been installed and tested on Mt. Etna, across a very active fault, the Provenzana–Pernicana system, cutting its north-eastern flank. During the test period, a lateral eruption occurred (starting on 2018 December 24), with a forceful dyke intrusion that stressed all the flanks of the volcano, soliciting all the main faults dissecting the edifice. Also the Provenzana–Pernicana fault system, where this network was recording, was activated during the dyke intrusion, producing a significant seismic swarm. The low-cost/low-power network data analysis allowed the fault slip during the intrusion to be clearly traced in time and space at all the stations lying on the hangingwall mobile block of the fault. All the stations lying south of the fault trace showed an eastward displacement, in very good agreement with the usual kinematics of the fault and the temporal duration of the M 3.5 December 24 earthquake, related to the seaward dislocation of the eastern mobile flank of the volcano, promoted and accelerated by dyke emplacement on the upper part of the edifice.

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