Some borosilicate glasses having limited compositions will be separated, by the heat treatment in the transformation range, into two glass-phases. One of them is acid-soluble B2O3⋅Na2O phase and the other is acid-insoluble SiO2 phase. When the segregated glass is acid treated, B2O3⋅Na2O phase is leached out leaving SiO2 rich porous glass without any destruction of original shape. This porous glass shrinks about 30% in volume by firing between 900°C and 1200°C, turning into 94-98% SiO2 glass having quartz glass-like properties.Object of this study is to clarify the relation between glass compositions and treatments of original borosilicate glass to make the above-mentioned porous glass.Experimental results were summarized as follows:(1) Minimum time required for phase-separation, t, were measured for various glasses at various temperatures. For every glasses, liner relation exists between log t and the reciprocal of the absolute temperature of heat treatment.The required time for phase-separation change with glass composition about ten times, however log t-1/T relation for various compositions showed identical gradients, and the apparent activation energy of phase-separation calculated from these results was 62kcal/mol. These values correspond to activation energy of oxygen diffusion in glasses.Linearity was found between log t (at 500°C) and Na2O/B2O3 mole ratio of these glasses.(2) The leaching rate by 1 N-H2SO4 of B2O3⋅Na2O phase of sufficiently segregated glasses were measured at 100°C, 80°C and 60°C. It was found that the rate changes about ten times depending on SiO2 content and Na2O/B2O3 mole ratio, and this will be explained in terms of difference of diameter of pores in SiO2 membrane for each glass.Linear relation between the thickness of leached layer, δM*, and square root of leaching time, √t, was found for every glass examined. Plotting of log δM* √t versus 1/T for various compositions gave straight lines of nearly same slopes, from which activation energies of leaching in the range 6.5-6.8kcal/mol were obtained.From these results, it is concluded that, as far as sufficiently segregated glass is concerned, the rate controlling process of leaching may arise from the diffusion of B2O3⋅Na2O through porous SiO2 membrane filled by the acid.Anothr linear relation was found between log δM*/√t-SiO2 content as well as between log δM*√t-Na2O2/B2O3 mole ratio.
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