Electrically active defects induced by neutron irradiation in n-type Czochralski-grown (Cz)Si crystals have been studied by means of capacitance transient techniques. Theseneutron-induced defects are compared with those created by electron irradiation andself-ion implantation. Four electron traps with the activation energies for electronemission of 0.12, 0.16, 0.24 and 0.42 eV were observed after neutron irradiation inphosphorous-doped Cz Si crystals. It is inferred that the E(0.12) and E(0.16) traps arerelated to the single-acceptor states of the silicon self-interstitial–oxygen dimer complex(IO2i) and the vacancy–oxygen pair (VO), respectively. The E(0.24) trap is associatedwith the electron emission from the double-acceptor state of the divacancy(V2). However, an asymmetric peak with its maximum at around 220 K and an activationenergy for electron emission of 0.42 eV dominated the spectra. We used high resolutionLaplace DLTS to investigate the structure of E(0.42) and found that this signal iscomplex, consisting of contributions from several defects. From the annealingbehaviour, it was revealed that as some of these defects anneal out they aresources of vacancies evidenced by an increase in the concentration of VO andV2. It is suggested that some of the defects contributing to the E(0.42) peak are related tosmall vacancy clusters.