Twelve genitalia of apparently healthy, non pregnant adult Bakerwali goat were collected from local slaughter houses immediately after sacrifice. Sections were stained with different staining methods. The oviduct of Bakerwali goat was lined with pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium in infundibulum and ampulla whereas pseudostratified columnar nonciliated epithelium in isthmus. The thickness of tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis of oviduct increases towards the isthmus and was significantly higher in luteal phase of estrus cycle whereas height of epithelium was significantly higher in luteal phase but decreased towards the layer of muscles in the terminal part of isthmus. The height of lining epithelium was significantly higher in luteal phase than follicular phase in all three segments of oviduct. In the luteal phase, apical blebs with PAS positive material were seen above lining epithelium. The cytoplasm of glandular and lining epithelium showed strong reaction with Alcian blue and mild reactivity for bound lipids with Sudan Black B. Tunica muscularis showed moderate reaction for Alcian blue showing presence of acidic mucopolysaccharides and mild reaction for bound lipids with Sudan Black B.
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