Change detection is an essential and widely used approach for investigating ecosystem dynamics. Multi-temporal 3D models increasingly underpin photogrammetry-based analyses of change for many ecologically relevant attributes. To detect change, it is necessary to accurately align 3D models collected at different times using a process referred to as co-registration. However, achieving precise co-registration is difficult in underwater habitats due to practical challenges intrinsic to surveying them. These include a lack of accurate georeferencing information, variable light, turbidity and weather conditions, and diving restrictions dictated by the diver's pressure exposure over time. Here we present an efficient co-registration workflow for 3D models that directly addresses these challenges, derived from underwater structure-from-motion methods. To test our approach, we used 3D models from across a wide range of coral reef habitats covering all those that one may encounter in shallow reefs (15 m depth and above). We then identified and empirically estimated four key sources of error: co-registration, 3D processing, image acquisition, and reference and scaling features (RSF) placement, and quantified their relative contributions to the overall error. Our proposed co-registration workflow had a mean precision of 1.37 ± 16.55 mm. Image acquisition and RSF placement errors contributed the most to the total workflow error (37% and 53%, respectively), while the contribution of co-registration and 3D processing errors was minimal (3% and 7%, respectively). As a result of our analysis, we provide ‘good practice’ guidelines to reduce errors associated with photogrammetric workflows and to facilitate efficient and reliable detection of 3D change in complex underwater ecosystems.
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