The study of nonequilibrium flows is one of the main problems of physical gasdynamics. As shown by experiment [I-3], most of them can be solved by the theory of multiple temperature equilibrium, when the investigated gas mixture is fully determined by a comparatively small number of macroparameters. The justification of the corresponding models of relaxation hydrodynamics by the apparatus of the kinetic theory of gases was given in [4-5], while the boundary conditions to these models in the whole range of variation of accomodation coefficients were obtained in [6]. In recent years, with developing studies on effects of catalytic properties of surfaces on thermal flows, the improvement of radio-wave propagation through plasma for~lations, obtaining flows in strongly nonequilibrium populations of quantum levels, the use of multiphase flows for isotope separation, etc. it became necessary to study relaxation effects not only in the gas, but also on the boundary with the surface, as well as inside the solid phase, such as, for example, in aerosol particles. The kinetic theory for this class of problems has not yet been developed, even within the multiple temperature approximation. In the present work this problem has been solved phenomenologically, constructing a hydrodynamic model with the use of balance conditions of energy flows within and on the boundary of interacting phases. We consider specifically the set ofprocesses occurring in a multiple-phase multiple-temperature flow, in which solid particles are found, formed of molecular crystals. At the initial moment of time t = 0 the translational--rotational and vibrational temperatures T G and TiG of the gas equal the particle temperature TL (TG = TiG = TL), inside which the intramolecular vibrational degrees of freedom are excited, TiL ~TL. This can be done by constructing a source, for ezample, by an electron beam [7]. For t > 0 the gas excitation starts by heterogeneous mechanisms of energy exchange on the particle surfaces. The energies of vibrational quanta in the gas and of particles are assumed to be near these quantities, for example, in a flow containing the gas and aerosol particles of nitrogen. The latter, thus, emerge in the role of energy carriers [8, 9]. By the estimates obtained in [8], the system with an energy carrier being a complex of a large number of molecules in the solid state can possess a high specific energy capacity ~]03 J/g. Therefore, the dynamic problem on the redistribution of intramo!ecular vibrational energy in the ga~-surface--solid system is of much interest. The solution of this problem is the main goal of the present paper. It must be kept in mind that accomodation coefficients of various energy shapes appear in the system of equations describing the relaxation processes. To obtain the structural shape of these coefficients it is necessary to solve the quantummechanical problem of interaction of molecules with the surface, particularly the problem of the resonance exchange probability of vibrational energies. Of principal value is obtaining estimates of characteristic time scales of redistribution of intramolecular vibrational energy inside particles of various sizes. The solution of these problems is also included in this work.
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