Previous GPS-based geodetic studies and onland paleoseismologic studies in Trinidad have shown that the 50-km-long, linear, onland segment of the Central Range fault zone (CRFZ) accommodates at least 60% of the total rate of right-lateral displacement (∼20 mm/yr) between the Caribbean and South American plates. 2D and 3D seismic reflection data from a 60-km-long and 30-km-wide swath of the eastern shelf of Trinidad (block 2AB) were used to map the eastern offshore extension of this potentially seismogenic and hazardous fault system and to document its deeper structure and tectonic controls on middle Miocene to recent clastic stratigraphy. Two unconformity surfaces and seafloor were mapped using 3D seismic data to generate isochron maps and to illustrate the close control of the CRFZ and associated secondary faults on small, clastic basins formed along its anastomosing strands and the east-west-striking North Darien Ridge fault zone (NDRFZ) that exhibits a down-to-the-north normal throw. Mapped surfaces include: 1) the middle Miocene angular unconformity, a prominent, regional unconformity surface separating underlying thrust-deformed rocks from a much less deformed overlying section; this regional unconformity is well studied from onland outcrops in Trinidad and in other offshore areas around Trinidad; 2) a Late Neogene angular unconformity developed locally within block 2AB that is not recognized in Trinidad; and 3) the seafloor of the eastern Trinidad shelf which exhibits linear scarps for both the CRFZ and the east-west-striking North Darien Ridge fault zone. Clastic sedimentary fill patterns identified on these isochron maps indicate a combined effect of strike-slip and reverse faulting (i.e., tectonic transpression) produced by active right-lateral shear on the CRFZ, which is consistent with the obliquity of the strike of the fault to the interplate slip vector known from GPS studies in onland Trinidad. The NDRFZ and a sub-parallel and linear family of east-west-striking faults with normal and possibly transtensional motions also contributed to the creation of accommodation space within localized, post-middle Miocene clastic depocenters south of the CRFZ.
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