Laser-based methods are investigated for the development of an in situ diagnostic for spatially and temporally resolved characterization of the first wall in fusion devices. Here we report on the first systematic laser-induced ablation spectroscopy (LIAS) measurements carried out on various surface layers in the TEXTOR tokamak. These materials include a-C:D, mixed W/C/Al/D2, Oerlikon Balzers ‘Balinit’ diamond-like carbon layers and EK98 fine-grain graphite. In LIAS, the bulk or deposited material is evaporated during the plasma discharge by intense laser radiation. The light emitted by particles entering the edge of the ionizing tokamak plasma is then observed by optical spectroscopy. In the measurements taken, it was found that the studied layers can be identified by their characteristic line emission. A good correlation between the observed line intensity and layer thickness is found. The observed plumes show target material dependence. To analyze layers formed during tokamak operation, further investigation of the ablation process and reference materials for cross calibration is required.
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