速生树种尾巨桉和竹柳因其水分消耗和利用问题引起了一些争议,因而受到了广泛的关注,由于尚缺乏科学的观测数据,而其中许多指责或支持也尚无定论,因此必须深入研究此2种树种耗水性能和水分利用效率,以期科学评价其水分消耗和利用性能。采用盆栽苗木称重法和Li-6400光合系统测定方法分别测定尾巨桉(<em>Eucalyptus urophylla</em>× <em>Eucalyptus</em> <em>grandis</em>)和竹柳(<em>Salix </em>sp.)苗木在不同土壤水分条件下耗水量、耗水速率和苗木不同生长期叶片净光合速率(<em>Pn</em>)、蒸腾速率(<em>Tr</em>)和水分利用效率(WUE),研究表明:(1)正常水分条件下,尾巨桉和竹柳日总耗水量和最大耗水速率分别为(182.05±12.74)g/d、(100.48±10.95)g/d和(66.31±9.91)g·m<sup>-2</sup>·h<sup>-1</sup>、(89.50±13.54)g·m<sup>-2</sup>·h<sup>-1</sup>,土壤水分条件下降时,2种苗木耗水量和耗水速率均呈显著下降趋势,严重干旱胁迫时尾巨桉降幅更大。(2)正常水分条件和轻度水分胁迫下2种苗木耗水速率日变化趋势均为明显单峰曲线,且峰值均出现在12:00-14:00,中度干旱胁迫时则其变化趋势呈“双峰”曲线,峰值分别在10:00-12:00和14:00-16:00出现,严重干旱胁迫时日变化规律不明显。(3)正常水分条件和轻度水分胁迫下2种苗木耗水速率与环境温度显著正相关,与相对湿度显著负相关,随着干旱胁迫的发展,环境因子对耗水速率的影响有所减弱。(4)叶片水平来看,与尾巨桉相比,竹柳具有高光合、低蒸腾、高水分利用效率的特点,2种苗木由生长初期进入生长旺期时,净光合速率和蒸腾速率均发生相同幅度增加,而水分利用效率基本保持不变。(5)从单株耗水量和耗水速率以及叶片水分利用效率综合来看,竹柳属节水性能较好速生树种,而尾巨桉虽然存在叶片水平高蒸腾和低水分利用效率的情况,但从单株苗木水平上来讲,其耗水速率甚至低于竹柳,特别在土壤水分严重亏缺情况下其白天平均耗水速率仅为(4.02±0.60)g·m<sup>-2</sup>·h<sup>-1</sup>,也表现出了一定的抗旱节水能力。;<em>Eucalyptus urophylla</em> × <em>Eucalyptus grandis</em> and bamboo-willow have attracted wide concerns due to the debates on their water consumption (WC) and utilization efficiency problems. Insufficiency of scientific observation data and consequent uncertainty of the rationality of blame or support on the two trees' development make it a necessity to further study their WC characteristics and water use efficiency (WUE). In this study, WC and water consumption rate (WCR) of<em> E. urophylla</em> × <em>E. grandis</em> and bamboo-willow seedlings under different soil moisture conditions were measured by pot seedling weight method, and net photosynthetic rate (<em>Pn</em>), transpiration rate (<em>Tr</em>) and WUE of them in different growth periods were investigated by Li-6400 photosynthetic system measuring method. Under normal water condition, day-and-night WC and maximum WCR of <em>E. urophylla</em> × <em>E. grandis</em> and bamboo-willow seedlings were(182.05±12.74)g/d,(100.48±10.95)g/d, (66.31±9.91)g·m<sup>-2</sup>·h<sup>-1</sup> and(89.50±13.54)g·m<sup>-2</sup>·h<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. Water consumption and WCR of the seedlings significantly declined with soil moisture decreases, with those of <em>E. urophylla</em> × <em>E. grandis</em> declining more sharply than bamboo-willow under serious drought stress. The daily variation of WCR exhibited a one-peak curve (the peak appearing at 12:00-14:00) under normal water condition and light drought stress, but changed to a double-peak curve (the peaks appearing at 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00, respectively)under moderate drought stress, and showed no regular pattern under serious drought stress. Under normal water condition and light drought stress, a significant positive correlation and a significant negative correlation were observed between WCR and environmental temperature and between WCR and relative humidity, respectively. The influence of environmental factors on WCR weakened along with the development of drought stress. At leaf level, bamboo-willow had higher photosynthetic rate and WUE, and lower transpiration rate than <em>E. urophylla</em> × <em>E. grandis.</em> In initial through vigorous growth period, net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of both seedlings increased at similar amplitude, while their WUE remained unchanged. In terms of WC and WCR of individual seedling and leaf WUE, bamboo-willow was a good water-saving fast-growing tree species. <em>E. urophylla</em> × <em>E. grandis</em> had higher leaf transpiration rate and lower WUE at leaf level, but had lower WCR at individual seedling level than bamboo-willow, which was particularly true when under serious drought stress, with its average daytime WCR being only (4.02±0.60) g·m<sup>-2</sup>·h<sup>-1</sup>. Therefore, <em>E. urophylla</em> × <em>E. grandis</em> seedlings also showed a certain ability of drought resistance and water-saving.
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