Introduction. In his paper Diophantine approximation on abelian varieties [1], Faltings proved, among other things, the following conjecture of Weil and Lang: if A is an abelian variety over a number field k and X a subvariety of A not containing a translate of a positive dimensional abelian subvariety of A, then X contains only finitely many k-rational points. One of Faltings’ basic tools was a new non-vanishing result of his, also proved in [1], the so-called (arithmetic version of the) Product Theorem. It has turned out that this Product Theorem has a much wider range of applicability in Diophantine approximation. For instance, recently Faltings and Wustholz gave an entirely new proof [2] of Schmidt’s Subspace Theorem [15] based on the Product Theorem. Faltings’ Product Theorem is not only very powerful for deriving new qualitative finiteness results in Diophantine approximation but, in an explicit form, it can be used also to derive significant improvements of existing quantitative results. In the present paper, we work out an explicit version of the arithmetic version of the Product Theorem; except for making explicit some of Faltings’ arguments from [1] this did not involve anything new. By using the same techniques we improve Roth’s lemma from [12]. Roth’s lemma was used by Roth in his theorem on the approximation of algebraic numbers by rationals [12] and later by Schmidt in his proof of the Subspace Theorem [15]. In two subsequent papers we shall apply our improvement of Roth’s lemma to derive significant improvements on existing explicit upper bounds for the number of subspaces in the Subspace Theorem, due to Schmidt [16] and Schlickewei [14] and for the number of solutions of norm form equations [17] and S-unit equations [13].
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