Repair of a symptomatic incisional/ventral hernia that is not amenable to simple primary closure is problematic. Therapeutic options include: (1) fascial reapproximation after unilateral/bilateral horizontal parasagittal relaxing incisions (obliquus externusand transversus abdominis) with or without pre-operative pneumoperitoneum; (2) bridging a fascial defect with autologous devascularized (lata femoris, anterior rectus abdominissheath) or vascularized (abdominal wall fascia, tensor fasciae latae, myofascial, or myofascial/cutaneous rotational flaps) tissue; or (3) insertion of prosthetic/synthetic material (polypropylene, polytetrafluoroethylene, polygalactin). In the presence of abdominal infection or contaminated operative wounds use of autologous tissue is preferred, because of the risks of infection and gastroenterocolonic fistulization. Since 1985 the authors have observed excellent results with use of a bilateral reversed anterior rectus abdominissheath technique of incisional/ventral herniorrhaphy. Although the parasagittal incision parallel to the linea semilunarisand mobilization medially undoubtedly caused partial devascularization (interruption of segmental and intermuscular arteriovenous arcades, respectively), the sheath coapted in the midline maintained its integrity as evaluated clinically and radiographically. This implies that the Sheath is relatively hypometabolic, that collateral circulation is maintained and/or develops, and/or sustenance is obtained by contiguity with peritoneal secretions and subcutaneous tissue. Twenty-three patients (13 males, 10 females, age range 19–79 years) with large symptomatic mid-abdominal hernias of 8–16 months duration were so treated. Each of these patients had required multiple (three to seven) exploratory celiotomies for traumatic, infectious, inflammatory., or neoplastic entities. To date all patients have healed per primumwithout recurrence. Only one patient, who had previously received pelvic irradiation, manifested eventration. This qualitative analysis suggests that this technique has validity for patients requiring incisional/ventral herniorrhaphy with an otherwise intact rectus abdominismuscle and sheath. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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