The measurement of two-bond proton-proton coupling constants (2JHH) in prochiral CH2 groups from the F2 dimension of 2D spectra is not easy due to the usual presence of complex multiplet J patterns, line broadening effects and strong coupling artifacts. These drawbacks are particularly pronounced and frequent in AB spin systems, as those normally exhibited by the pair of diastereotopic CH2 protons. Here, a novel 2JHH-resolved HSQC experiment for the exclusive and accurate determination of the magnitude of 2JHH from the doublet displayed along the highly-resolved indirect F1 dimension is described. A pragmatic 2JHH NMR profile affords a fast overview of the full range of existing 2JHH values. In addition, a 2JHH/δ(13C)-scaled version proves to be an efficient solution when severe signal overlapping complicate a rigorous analysis. The performance of the method is compared with other current techniques and illustrated by the determination of challenging residual dipolar 2DHH coupling constants of small molecules dissolved in weakly orienting media.
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