Discrete geometries in hyperbolic space are of longstanding interest in pure mathematics and have come to recent attention in holography, quantum information, and condensed matter physics. Working at a purely geometric level, we describe how any regular tessellation of (d+1)-dimensional hyperbolic space naturally admits a d-dimensional boundary geometry with self-similar “quasicrystalline” properties. In particular, the boundary geometry is described by a local, invertible, self-similar substitution tiling, that discretizes conformal geometry. We greatly refine an earlier description of these local substitution rules that appear in the 1D/2D example and use the refinement to give the first extension to higher dimensional bulks; including a detailed account for all regular 3D hyperbolic tessellations. We comment on global issues, including the reconstruction of bulk geometries from boundary data, and introduce the notion of a “holographic foliation”: a foliation by a stack of self-similar quasicrystals, where the full geometry of the bulk (and of the foliation itself) is encoded in any single leaf in a local, invertible way. In the {3,5,3} tessellation of 3D hyperbolic space by regular icosahedra, we find a 2D boundary quasicrystal admitting points of 5-fold symmetry which is not the Penrose tiling, and record and comment on a related conjecture of William Thurston. We end with a large list of open questions for future analytic and numerical studies. Published by the American Physical Society 2025
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