Evaluated spectroscopic data and level schemes from radioactive decay and nuclear reaction studies are presented for 187Hf, 187Ta, 187W, 187Re, 187Os, 187Ir, 187Pt, 187Au, 187Hg, 187Tl, 187Pb, 187Bi, and 187Po. This evaluation for A = 187 supersedes the earlier one by R.B. Firestone (1991Fi02) published in Nuclear Data Sheets 62, 159 (1991) and the 187Tl evaluation by C.M. Baglin (1999Ba24) published in Nuclear Data Sheets 86, 487 (1999). Highlights of this publication are the following: This evaluation includes first identifications of 187Hf, 187Ta (1999Be63, 2000PoZY) and 187Po (2006An11) nuclides. A B(E2)↑ = 0.080 12 was determined by 1967Bi10 for the 9/2+ state at 845 keV in 187Re Coulomb Excitation. Using this B(E2) value and the adopted 845γ ray properties, a T 1 / 2 = 54 fs 34 can be deduced for the 845 keV level of 187Re. This T 1/2 yields a large B(E2)(W.u.) ≈ 1.3 × 105 for the 263γ (depopulating the same level) indicating either substantial unobserved feeding or incorrect g-ray branching intensities of this level. The decay of g.s. and isomer of 187Tl are poorly known (please see 187Tl ε decay (51 s+15.60 s)). Based on 191Po α decay studies, 2002An19 establishes a 187Pb isomeric level energy at 2(15) keV and assigns J π = 13 / 2 + for the 187Pb g.s. and J π = 3 / 2 − for the isomeric state (inverse of the systematics of odd-mass Pb nuclei in this region). From 187Pb and 187Pb m mass measurements, 2005We11 determined the isomeric level energy at 33(13) keV.
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