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State Information Security – Threats and Risks in the Third Decade of the 21st Century

The article is devoted to the categories of threats and risks to state information security. The author starts from the assumption that the dynamic development of modern society has become an important factor of change in the security and defence environment. The aim of the publication is to identify threats to the shielding apparatus of processes related to the flow of news. It is worth mentioning that the intercessory-defensive nature of the institution can be understood directly or indirectly, as destructive actions interfering with the security subject. The concept of risk is associated with the uncertainty resulting from the security subject's actions, with its consequences, especially undesirable and unforeseen. The author therefore puts forward a thesis proclaiming the necessity for authorities (understood as a security subject) to acquire defensive and offensive skills in the infosphere. In doing so, he makes two points: mastering the capabilities mentioned above only reduces the level of risk, but does not eliminate it. Realistically taming these skills requires first and foremost education on many levels, from the basics of ‘cyber security’ behaviour to the professional training of information security specialists eo ipso, and thus capable of applying both IT and engineering knowledge and at the same time social sciences, above all defence sciences.

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The security of the eastern flank states in the light of Russia's military operations in Ukraine

The article focuses on the security of the eastern flank countries in the light of Russia's military operations in Ukraine, including: the security of the eastern flank in respect of military operations in Ukraine, Western efforts to secure the eastern flank, the challenges for the security of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in relation to refugees and migration. In the search for an answer to the question: What impact does Russia's military operations in Ukraine have on the security of the eastern flank countries? the literature on the subject was studied, Russian normative acts were analysed and official statements of experts in the media were quoted, as well as the views of specialists dealing with the security issues of the countries of this region. Directions of actions improving the security of these countries were presented. The results of the conducted research indicate that the eastern flank countries alone would not be able to repel a possible Russian aggression against any of these countries at the current stage of modernization of their armies. Only close cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the deployment of more American troops on the territory of the eastern flank countries guarantee security. The content cited in the article aims to update opinions on the level of security of the eastern flank countries.

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Social Campaigns and Their Impact on Personal Security During theCovid-19 Pandemic

On 30 January 2020. TheWorld Health Organisation (WHO) declared anoutbreak caused by thenew SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID19 . In Poland, on theother hand, astate of epidemic emergency was declared on 14 March 2020 and all uniformed, medical and epidemiological services were placed on standby. Thenew, unforeseen situation has had adramatic impact not only on economic sectors, but above all on citizens' sense of personal security. It has made it necessary for many institutions to consolidate their activities and to seek solutions that would allow society to cope with anunknown phenomenon and to maintain at least aminimum sense of security. Consequently, social campaigns were one of theways to raising awareness and presenting solutions to reduce therisks affecting personal security associated with theepidemic.Among numerous activities of apreventive nature, social campaigns are atool for promoting ideas and attitudes, whileat thesame time being aform of activating theaddressees to undertake pro-social behaviour and to eliminate attitudes that negatively influence thehealth, life and development of society. Asocial campaign, as apersuasive message, should evoke attitudes and behaviours that are socially desirable and induce to theabandonment of behaviours that violate thelegal order or thesense of social security. Thepurpose of thestudy is to present theconcept of personal security and related issues. At thesame time, thepaper attempts to answer thequestion of what social advertising is at thelevel of programmes creating pro-social behaviour and seeks ananswer to thequestion of theeffectiveness of social campaigns broadcast during pandemics and their impact on increasing thesense of personal safety. In particular, whether this social media tool is fulfilling its mission. Undoubtedly, social campaigns are seen as anelement that increases theeffectiveness of personal safety measures, as they provide tools to reach aspecific population. Thepaper uses empirical and theoretical research methods, including: literature analysis, analysis of phenomena occurring in society and inference as acognitive factor of thesubject under analysis. It was assumed that social campaigns have asignificant influence on increasing thefeeling of personal safety and theresults of theresearch made it possible to identify themost effective elements used in social campaigns.

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