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Revealing Y-STR Diversity of Koli Populations (Gujarat) by Studying 23 Y-STR Loci

Genetic analysis of Y-STR loci is pivotal for forensic libraries and genetic analysis. The Koli population in Gujarat, India, however, lacks such genetic characterization. This study aims to develop an allele frequency database for 23 Y-STR loci in the Koli population, examining forensic parameters and assessing genetic connections with neighboring tribes. A total of 153 unrelated Koli males were genotyped using the PowerPlex®Y23 multiplex commercial kit. We identified 117 distinct haplotypes. The Haplotype Diversity (HD) and Discrimination Capacity (DC) for the 23 Y-STR loci were 0.993 and 0.8034, respectively. DYS385b locus exhibited the highest allele variability (10 alleles), whereas DYS391, DYS389I, and DYS437 showed the least (4 alleles each). The highest Polymorphic Information Content (PIC) was observed in DYS385b (0.775), with the lowest in DYS391 (0.386). The dominant haplogroup R1a accounted for 45% of the population. Comparative analysis with other Indian populations from YHRD revealed two distinct clusters, placing the Koli population in cluster 2, indicating significant genetic similarity within this group. This inaugural study of Y-STRs in the Koli population demonstrates the utility of the Y23 kit in male identification, highlighted by substantial haplotype diversity and discrimination capacity.

Open Access
Effectiveness of UV-Visible Spectroscopy (with Multi-Mode Plate Reader) and ATR-FTIR for the Discrimination of Black Marker Inks

In the ambit of Forensic examination of the questioned documents, writing instruments often serve as an essential tool in disclosing the legitimacy of a document. In the present study, a total of 18 marker samples including 9 permanent and 9 whiteboard (commonly known as dry erase) markers of black color of different brands were purchased from the local market of district Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India. UV-Visible spectroscopy with Multi-Mode Plate Reader and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy were used for the discrimination of samples. In the case of permanent marker inks, peaks near 390-405 nm and at 570-585 nm were found to be more prominent and differentiating than that of the whiteboard marker inks. Qualitative comparative analysis of the permanent and the whiteboard black marker ink samples showed 97.2% and 91.6% DP respectively based on their UV-Vis. spectral responses. FTIR spectroscopy of whiteboard markers confirmed the presence of characteristic peak at 1743 cm-1 (C=O stretch) together with a doublet in the region 2920-2850 cm-1 corresponding to asymmetric and symmetric C-H stretch in almost all the whiteboard marker inks, whereas in case of permanent marker inks the former peak 1743 cm-1 was completely absent and the later appeared as a single peak around 2900 cm-1. The results obtained from ATR-FTIR was analyzed using multivariate techniques such as PCA and DFA. PCA was used for the segregation of samples into different groups, whereas DFA was used for the discrimination and classification of marker ink samples. DFA provided a correct classification of 88.9% of the marker ink samples analyzed by FTIR. It is concluded that Multi Mode Plate Reader can be used as a substantial tool for the discrimination of marker inks and was found to be fast and cost effective with high throughput. Moreover, ATR-FTIR results gave some additional information related to the chemical composition of the samples and provided better discrimination when coupled with chemometrics.

Open Access
Handling E-evidence in Egyptian and Comparative Legislation: A Comparative Analytical Study

This article aims to introduce e-evidence, describe its characteristics, examine its legal authenticity in Egyptian law, shed light on the requirements for the collection of e-evidence and its admissibility before the criminal judiciary, and highlight how e-evidence is criminally protected in Egyptian law along with the procedures for gathering and documenting it. The pervasive usage of technology in all spheres of life may be traced back to the significance of the research topic. We have come to the logical conclusion that it is improbable that a traditional or new crime would occur without leaving behind E-evidence that may be used to identify the offender thanks to the proliferation of electrical and technological equipment and the Internet. The research concluded that the effect of the changing nature of intangible forensic evidence on its reliability before the criminal courts, in a way that requires a precise legal regulation of this issue. The legislator defines a set of conditions for the procedures for collecting and documenting E-evidence to achieve the idea of its reliability and then produces its impact on the formation of the criminal judge's doctrine. It is recommended strengthening cooperation with international organizations to exchange information related to E-evidence.

Open Access
A Study Among General Dental Practitioners, Orthodontists and Forensic Odontologists Regarding Forensic Identification in Orthodontic Context

The process of dental identification involves comparing the dentition of the deceased with the latest dental records of presumed dead. It may become challenging to identify an individual whose orthodontic treatment records are untraceable for any reason. In such instances the dentition of the dead who underwent orthodontic treatment may need to be compared with the records before orthodontic treatment. The goal of this study was to determine the accuracy of matching pre and post-orthodontic treatment casts among general dental practitioners (GDPs), orthodontists, and forensic odontologists. Pre and post-orthodontic treatment dental casts from ten patients were used in this study. Pre-orthodontic maxillary and mandibular dental casts were separated from post-orthodontic maxillary and mandibular dental casts. A total of fifteen assessors comprising five orthodontists, five forensic odontologists and five GDPs compared and matched the pre and post-orthodontic dental cast pairs. Results revealed higher correct matches among forensic odontologists (94%) as compared to orthodontists (88%) followed by GDPs (80%). Among the parameters, ‘specific features in the dentition’ were most successful at correct identification. Orthodontic therapy causes morphometric changes in the dentition, which can make comparative identification difficult. Unique features in the dentition present before orthodontic treatment and persistent even after orthodontic treatment such as peculiar attrition facets, etc. can prove highly accurate in the identification.

Open Access