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Analyzing Factors Affecting Purchase Intention of Electric Vehicle in Indonesia; Moderation Role of Personal Innovativeness on Those Factors

Abstract. Electric vehicles as a sustainable innovation have the potential to reduce CO2 emissions and fossil fuels consumption, it is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by burning fossil energy. However, the reality is that until 2021 sales of electric vehicles in Indonesia have not reached the desired target. This study identified the factors that influence consumer intentions to adopt electric vehicles in Indonesia using the Combined Theory Acceptance Model-Theory of Planned Behavior (C-TAM-TPB). The result is perceived usefulness does not directly affect the purchase intention of electric vehicles but can affect indirectly together with perceived of ease of use and price value through attitudes. Attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, environmental self-image, price value, and personal innovativeness positively as well as can decrease perceived risk to intention to buy electric vehicle and perceived risks and infrastructure barrier, negatively can affect the intention to buy electric vehicles in Indonesia.
 Keywords: electric vehicle; consumer behaviour; Theory Acceptance Model, Theory of Planned Behaviour, purchase intention

Open Access
Green Economy Model Development Strategy in Cocoa Tourism Village in Banyuwangi

 Abstract. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the application of the Green Economy concept in the development of tourist villages as an effort to realize environmentally sound development as well as supporting and inhibiting factors in the development of tourist villages in Banyuwangi Regency. This research will be conducted in the Glennmore Cocoa Tourism Village, Banyuwangi Regency. In this study the research method used is descriptive qualitative . This research is expected to have a long-term economic impact on the community and the preservation of the environment. The results of the study indicate that the application of draft green economy in development Village Tour Cocoa as effort realize development insightful environment, namely: Application principles development insightful environment in Banyuwangi Regency, in development field tourist, not yet fully applied. Thing this seen from the principle that has not been applied justice in one generation and internalisation environmental costs. Application of the principles green economy on development Village Tour Cocoa not yet applied fully. However, there is a number of factor which Becomes constraint in development Village Tour Cocoa, that is source existing human resources, facilities not enough complete, per- farm cocoa which experience decrease in quantity and quality, parties fraudulent travel, and promotions that not yet conducted by maximum.
 Keywords: green economy, tourist village

Open Access
The Intent Behind the Usage of Cryptocurrency: An Analysis Based on the Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Modification Model

 Introduced in 2008, blockchain technology has experienced rapid development, in its development many digital assets have been created in the form of cryptocurrencies (cryptocurrency). For some people, crypto assets are the most modern solution and alternative for carrying out transactions on the blockchain. This study aims to determine how Behavioral Intention in Conducting Cryptocurrency Transactions. The model used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with 228 data respondents spread throughout Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the Facilitating Condition, Perceived Risk and Trust variables have a significant direct influence on the Behavioral Intention in Conducting Cryptocurrency Transaction variables while the Effort Expectancy, Hedonic Motivation, Performance Expectancy, Price Value, and Social Influence does not have a significant direct effect on the Behavioral Intention in Conducting Cryptocurrency Transaction variables and for the Performance Expectancy and Price Value variables it is not able to provide a stimulus to Effort Expectancy, Hedonic Motivation, Performance Expectancy, and Perceived Risk on the Behavioral Intention in Conducting Cryptocurrency Transaction variables.
 Keywords: Crypto Assets; Intentions; Investments; Platform X; Transactions

Open Access
The Influence of Servant Leadership on Work Performance Through Knowledge Sharing and Work Motivation on Employees

 Leadership is an important factor for organizational effectiveness, it even affects almost all human life. Identify leadership that serves as an important driver of the organization's efforts. Servant leadership increases effectiveness in the organization by facilitating employee performance, fostering employee creativity. It is expected that superiors in companies that have a servant leadership style will have a direct influence on knowledge sharing, work motivation, and work performance to company employees. This study uses a quantitative approach through a structural equation model to 155 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the relationship between servant leadership and work performance is mediated by knowledge sharing has not significant, and the relationship between servant leadership and work performance mediated by work motivation has a significant effect. In the end, the purpose of this research is to provide new insights for companies and practitioners on how to improve work performance and work motivation for employees by transferring knowledge (knowledge sharing) through servant leadership.
 Keywords: Servant Leadership; Work Motivation; Work Performance

Open Access