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Efektifitas belajar gerak dasar berbasis permainan tradisional Aceh untuk siswa sekolah dasar

The primary objective of the study is to assess the efficacy of teaching fundamental movements using traditional Acehnese sports among elementary school children. This study employs descriptive quantitative research methodologies. The participants in this study consisted of primary school pupils from upper and lower socioeconomic classes. The study included 35 students, and its efficacy was tested. The findings of this study indicate that kids in primary school might enhance their fundamental motions by utilizing traditional Acehnese games. This can be demonstrated by the disparity between the average pretest and posttest scores, which amounts to 19.34286. This discrepancy reflects the variation in scores obtained from the fundamental movement ability test. Moreover, the key finding from this data set is the computed t value of 68.864 with degrees of freedom (df) equal to 34, resulting in an associated table value of 2.032. When comparing the estimated t value to the t table, it is found that the sig value or the p-value is 0.000, which is greater than 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0) is discarded. Consequently, there are disparities in the outcomes of the fundamental movement aptitude tests conducted on the experimental population before (pretest) and following (posttest) therapy utilizing the basic motion learning model derived from traditional Acehnese games. The novel aspect of acquiring fundamental movements through traditional Acehnese games serves as both a means of learning these motions and a platform for understanding the inherent values inside these games

Peningkatan keterampilan passing bawah bola voli melalui pemanfaatan alat bantu papan spalk

This research is motivated by the common understanding that coaching and training in physical education and sports often emphasize physical abilities and technical skills, with minimal attention to psychological aspects. However, the conceptual framework for optimal achievement should encompass all supporting aspects simultaneously, including physical, technical, tactical, and mental dimensions. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate whether training using a spiking board tool influences the skills and abilities of underhand volleyball passing. The study involved 21 students from SDN 4 Bayasari, Jatinagara, as the input variable. The training method employed was underhand volleyball passing exercises using a spiking board. The research utilized the Classroom Action Research approach, consisting of two cycles and four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection.The research findings indicate that the training method with the spiking board significantly enhances underhand volleyball passing skills. In the second cycle, there was a notable increase in skills, reaching 90.48%, while the ability to execute underhand volleyball passing improved to 85.71%. These results suggest that the use of the spiking board as a training aid has a positive impact on the development of students' skills and abilities in volleyball.

Tingkat keterlibatan kebugaran jasmani dalam peningkatan prestasi belajar PJOK pada siswa

 This study aims to determine the contribution of physical fitness to the learning outcomes of sports and health physical education subjects in class v SDN Cengkareng Timur 21 Pagi. This research is a correlation research. The population and sample of this study were 32 students of class V at SDN Cengkareng Timur 21 Pagi with a range of ages 10-12 years. The measurement of the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test is carried out by measuring 5 tests, namely, running 40 meters, hanging your elbows, lying down, jumping upright and running 600 meters. Data collection techniques with tests using the TKJI test form. While the learning achievement data was taken from the grades of the even semester report cards for PJOK subjects. The results showed that the physical fitness test was in the moderate category and the student learning outcomes test was in the good category. This is evident from the normality test of the TKJI data, the value of sig = .200 means that the significance value of the data is greater than 0.05, meaning that the normality test is normally distributed, and the results of the normality test of the Learning Outcomes data are obtained sig = .190, which means the significance value of the data greater than 0.05, it means that the normality test is normally distributed. From the results of the correlation test, it was obtained that the two variables obtained r = .650 included in the sufficient criteria, meaning that there was a significant contribution between physical fitness and student learning outcomes.

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